WordPress Vulnerabilities, Exploiting LiteSpeed Cache and Email Subscribers Plugins


In recent cybersecurity developments, hackers have been leveraging a critical vulnerability within the LiteSpeed Cache plugin for WordPress to exploit websites running outdated versions. LiteSpeed Cache, a popular caching plugin utilized by over five million WordPress sites, is designed to enhance page load times, improve user experience, and boost search engine rankings. 

However, security experts at Automattic’s security team, WPScan, have observed a significant increase in malicious activities targeting WordPress sites with versions of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin older than

The vulnerability in question, tracked as CVE-2023-40000, is a high-severity unauthenticated cross-site scripting flaw. 

Attackers are taking advantage of this vulnerability to inject malicious JavaScript code into critical WordPress files or the database of vulnerable websites. By doing so, they are able to create administrator-level user accounts with specific names like ‘wpsupp-user’ or ‘wp-configuser.’ Additionally, the presence of certain strings, such as “eval(atob(Strings.fromCharCode,” within the database, serves as an indicator of an ongoing compromise. 
Despite efforts by many LiteSpeed Cache users to update to newer, non-vulnerable versions, an alarming number of sites—up to 1,835,000—still operate on outdated releases, leaving them susceptible to exploitation.

In a separate incident, hackers have turned their attention to another Word

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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