Shadow AI: The Novel, Unseen Threat to Your Company’s Data


Earlier this year, ChatGPT emerged as the face of generative AI. ChatGPT was designed to help with almost everything, from creating business plans to breaking down complex topics into simple terms. Since then, businesses of all sizes have been eager to explore and reap the benefits of generative AI. 

However, as this new chapter of AI innovation moves at breakneck speed, CEOs and leaders risk overlooking a type of technology that has been infiltrating through the back door: shadow AI. 

Overlooking AI shadow a risky option 

To put it simply, “shadow AI” refers to employees who, without management awareness, add AI tools to their work systems to make life easier. Although most of the time this pursuit of efficiency is well-intentioned, it is exposing businesses to new cybersecurity and data privacy risks.

When it comes to navigating tedious tasks or laborious processes, employees who want to increase prod

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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