Scammers Targeting WhatsApp Groups in UK


When businessman Mohammed Yousaf received an urgent plea for assistance from one of his oldest friends, he rushed to the rescue.

The 56-year-old received a WhatsApp message from the account of a man he had been friends with for 50 years. It began with the greeting ‘Salaam’, followed by the message: “Please, I need a little assistance from you…” 

Mohammed was concerned about his friend and inquired how he could help. He was told that his friend was attempting to send £800 to an account, but it did not function, and he was asked if he could make the payment instead, with his friend reimbursing him the next day.

What transpired was a fraud that terrified Mr. Yousaf and cost him £800. Unfortunately, he’s not alone. 

Last month, men in East Lancashire were warned of blackmail fraud after scammers posing as Eastern European gang members sent threatening requests for payment. Police said men in Accrington and Blackburn were pushed into giving over substantial sums of cash after getting disturbing messages and video calls of someone carrying a pistol. 

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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