SASE Threat Report:Evolving Threat Actors and the Need for Comprehensive Cyber Threat Intelligence


Threat actors are continuously evolving, yet Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) remains fragmented across isolated point solutions. Organizations need a holistic analysis that spans external data, inbound and outbound threats, and network activity to accurately assess their cybersecurity posture.
Cato’s Cyber Threat Research Lab (Cato CTRL) has published its inaugural SASE threat report, providing in-depth insights into enterprise and network threats. This report leverages Cato’s extensive and detailed network analysis capabilities.
The SASE Threat Report examines threats from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives using the MITRE ATT&CK framework. It covers malicious and suspicious activities, as well as the applications, protocols, and tools active on networks.
The report is based on:
– Detailed data from every traffic flow across the Cato SASE Cloud Platform
– Hundreds of security feeds
– Analysis through proprietary ML/AI algorithms
– Human intelligence
Cato’s data encompasses:
– Over 2200 customers
– 1.26 trillion network flows

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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