Ransomware Rampage in Canada: Can New Security Laws Stop It?


In Canada, the ransomware business is booming, with some of the largest corporations having fallen victim to them, including London Drugs, the City of Hamilton, Ont., and the government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Even though criminals often boast about their attacks on the so-called dark web, if one examines the list of targets provided by B.C.-based threat analyst Brett Callow, it would seem that they are not fussy about their victims. One of these targets is an individual located in B.C. A charity for disabled children, the First Nation’s

Health Authority and a library network are all part of the consortium. 

In a world of emerging online security standards, cybersecurity experts say the spate of attacks has serious repercussions for victims and the public, and organizations need to protect themselves from these attacks with multiple layers. Callow thinks it is important to ban ransom payments outright, or at the very least to restrict the tide of attacks to be slowed. Eric Charleston, a lawyer in Toronto, says that the answer is not so straightforward.
 As a result, he believes a ban would have meant that victims would have been punished. Nevertheless, the two agree that potential targets should be more secure to prevent breaches in the first place. Even though Charleston said many incidents go undetected, it is difficult to precisely estimate the apparent increase in ransom cyberattacks, in which hackers demand payment in exchange for releasing sensitive information. 

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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