Build or Buy your own antivirus product

We can help you decide if you should build your own antivirus product or if you should license an OEM or whitelabel product. If you are thinking of building an antivirus product in order to offer your customers 360 degree…

Europol lifts the lid on cybercrime tactics

Categories: News Categories: Ransomware Tags: Europol Tags: Phishing Tags: RDP Tags: VPN Tags: Exchange Tags: LOTL Tags: BEC Tags: ransomware Tags: IAB Tags: crypter Tags: Flubot A Europol report discusses developments in cyberattacks, new methodologies, and threats as observed by…

7 Best Penetration Testing Tools & Software in 2023

View our complete buyer’s guide of the best penetration testing tools. Browse the best pentesting tools now. The post 7 Best Penetration Testing Tools & Software in 2023 appeared first on eSecurity Planet. This article has been indexed from eSecurity…

Biden National Cybersecurity Strategy Key Takeaways

Major changes are underway, with new rules for federal agencies and updated requirements for public-private partnerships. We discuss the implementation plans for the strategy’s first two pillars: defend critical infrastructure and disrupt and dismantle threat actors. This article has been…

IT Security News Daily Summary 2023-09-15

Microsoft Flushes Out ‘Ncurses’ Gremlins Dariy Pankov, the NLBrute malware author, pleads guilty Friday Squid Blogging: Cleaning Squid Scattered Spider traps 100+ victims in its web as it moves into ransomware Google Account Sync Vulnerability Exploited to Steal $15M UX…

Microsoft Flushes Out ‘Ncurses’ Gremlins

The maintainers of the widely used library recently patched multiple memory corruption vulnerabilities that attackers could have abused to, ahem, curse targets with malicious code and escalate privileges. This article has been indexed from Dark Reading Read the original article:…

Friday Squid Blogging: Cleaning Squid

Two links on how to properly clean squid. I learned a few years ago, in Spain, and got pretty good at it. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news…