Invoke AI Introduces Refined Control Features for Image Generation


Invoke AI has added two novel features to its AI-based image generation platform. According to the company, two new features—the Model Trainer and Control Layers—provide some of the most refined controls in image generation. Both apps provide users granular control over how AI develops and changes their photographs. Invoke also stated that it has achieved SOC 2 certification, which means that the company has completed multiple tests that demonstrate a high level of data security. 

Invoke CEO Kent Keirsey spoke with GamesBeat, a local media outlet, regarding the platform’s new features, which provide greater control and customisation over an image. The customised Model Trainer enables a company to train custom image generating models using as few as twelve pieces of its own content. According to Keirsey, this results in more consistent graphics that are congruent with a developer’s IP, allowing the AI to create art with the same style and design features more frequently. 

“We’re helping the models understand what we mean when we use a certain language,” stated Keirsey. “When we get specific and say we want this specific interpretation, what that means is we need anywhere from 10-20 images of this idea, this style we want to train… We’re saying, ‘Here’s our studio’s style with different subjects.’ You might do

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