Ghostwriter v4.2

Ghostwriter v4.2: Project Documents & Reporting Enhancements

After April’s massive Ghostwriter v4.1 release, we received some great feedback and ideas. We got a little carried away working on these and created a release so big we had to call it v4.2. This release contains some fantastic changes and additions to the features introduced in April’s release. Let’s get to the highlights!

Improving Customizable Fields

Ghostwriter v4.1 introduced custom fields, and seeing the community use them so creatively was awesome. What we saw gave us some ideas for a few big improvements.

The rich text fields support the Jinja2 templating language, so loops quickly became a talking point. Looping over project objectives, findings, hosts, and other things to create dynamic lists, table rows, or sections is incredibly powerful, so we had to do it.

You can now use Jinja2-style expressions with the new li, tr, and p tags to create list items, table rows, and text sections. Here is an example of building a dynamic list inside Ghostwriter’s WYSIWYG editor.

Jinja2-style Loop in the WYSIWYG Editor

This screenshot includes examples of a few notable features. We’re using the new li tag with a for loop to create a bulleted list of findings. We have access to Jinja2 filters, including Ghostwriter’s custom filters, so we use the filter_severity filter to limit the loop to findings with a severity rating matching critical, high, or medium. The first and last bullets won’t be in the list in the final Word document.

The middle bullet will repeat for each finding to create our list. It includes the title and severity and uses the regex_search filter to pull the first sentence of the finding’s description. The use of severity_rt here is also worth a call-out. Some community members asked about nesting rich text fields inside of other rich text fields, like the pre-formatted severity_rt text for a finding. Not only can we use severity_rt inside this field, but we can also add formatting, like changing the text to bold.


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