Can Legal Measures Slow Down Cybercrimes?


Cybercrime has transpired as a serious threat in India, prompting calls for comprehensive reforms and collaborative efforts from various stakeholders. Experts and officials emphasise the pressing need to address the evolving nature of cyber threats and strengthen the country’s legal and regulatory framework to combat this menace effectively.

Former IPS officer and cybersecurity expert Prof Triveni Singh identified the necessity for fundamental changes in India’s legal infrastructure to align with the pervasive nature of cybercrime. He advocates for the establishment of a national-level cybercrime investigation bureau, augmented training for law enforcement personnel, and the integration of cyber forensic facilities at police stations across the country.

A critical challenge in combating cybercrime lies in the outdated procedures for reporting and investigating such offences. Currently, victims often encounter obstacles when filing complaints, particularly if they reside outside India. Moreover, the decentralised nature of law enforcement across states complicates multi-jurisdictional investigations, leading to inefficiencies and resource depletion.

To streamline the process, experts propose the implementation of an independent online court system to expedite judicial proceedings for cybercrime cases, thereby eliminating the need for physical hearings. Additionally, fostering enhanced cooperation between police forces of different states and countries is deemed essential to effectively tackle cross-border cybercrimes.


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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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