Apple’s AI Features Demand More Power: Not All iPhones Make the Cut


A large portion of Apple’s developer conference on Monday was devoted to infusing artificial intelligence (AI) technology into its software. Some of the features Apple has rumoured to incorporate are not expected to work on all iPhones. If you read this article correctly, it sounds as if Apple is betting its long-awaited AI features will be enough to make you upgrade your iPhone — especially if the AI requires the latest smartphone. The annual developer conference of Apple, WWDC, is expected to take place on Monday with the announcement of iOS 18. 
According to Bloomberg, the company will release a new version of its artificial intelligence software, dubbed “Apple Intelligence,” which will include features that will run directly on the iPhone’s processor instead of being powered by cloud servers – in other words, they’ll be powered directly from the device itself. According to the report, some of the AI services will still utilize cloud-based computing, however, many won’t. The iPhone, iOS18, as well as any of Apple’s other products and devices, are set to be updated, and anything short of a full array of AI-based features will likely disappoint developers and industry analysts, not to mention investors, with any changes Apple makes to its operating system. 
The company has turned to artificial intelligence (AI) as a way

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