Akamai Expands into API Security with $450 Million Noname Deal


It was founded in 2020 and is currently one of the top API security vendors in the world. After emerging from stealth in a year, Noname has reached unicorn status, as of 2021. As a result of the $220 million funding raised, Noname will be able to expand Akamai’s existing API Security offering to satisfy customer demand and market demands. 
In addition to scaling up Akamai’s sales and marketing resources, the acquisition will also enable Akamai to expand its existing API Security solution.

Upon acquiring Akamai, the company will provide a comprehensive API security suite including shadow API detection and vulnerability and attack detection. Akamai powers and protects life online through its platform. 

Millions of people live, work, and play on Akamai’s digital experiences every day, and leading companies around the world choose Akamai to help build, deliver, and secure them. A massively distributed edge and cloud platform from Akamai, Akamai Connected Cloud puts users closer to applications and experiences and keeps threats at bay. 
The Akamai acquisition will enable Akamai to provide customers with an API security suite that will enable them to find and detect “shadow” APIs as well as vulnerabilities and attacks better. In addition to providing customers with an enhanced deployment choice, Akamai’s enhanced offering is expected to include a portfolio of unparalleled technology integrations in the in

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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