U.S. Federal Employees: Plant Your Flag for Digital Freedoms Today!


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Like clockwork, September is here—and so is the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) pledge period!  

The CFC is the world’s largest and most successful annual charity campaign for U.S. federal employees and retirees. You can now make a pledge to support EFF’s lawyers, technologists, and activists in the fight for privacy and free speech online. Last year members of the CFC community raised nearly $34,000 to support digital civil liberties. 

Giving to EFF through the CFC is easy! Just head over to GiveCFC.org and use our ID 10437. Once there, click DONATE to give via payroll deduction, credit/debit, or an e-check. If you have a renewing pledge, you can increase your support as well! Scan the QR code below to easily make a pledge or go to GiveCFC.org! 

This year’s campaign theme—GIVE HAPPY—shows that when U.S. federal employees and retirees give together, they make a meaningful difference to a countless number of individuals throughout the world. They ensure that organizations like EFF can continue working towards our goals even during challenging times. 

With support from those who pledged through the CFC last year, EFF has: