Today, CISA published Guidance on Assembling a Group of Products created by the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Tooling & Implementation Working Group, one of the five SBOM community-driven workstreams facilitated by CISA. CISA’s community-driven working groups publish documents and reports to…
In Other News: Secure Use of AI, HHS Hacking, CISA Director Swatting
Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: guidance on secure use of AI, HHS grant money stolen by hackers, CISA director target of swatting. The post In Other News: Secure Use of AI, HHS Hacking, CISA Director Swatting…
QR Code Scammers are Changing Tactics to Evade Detection
Check Point researchers last year saw a 587% increase between August and September of phishing attacks enticing unsuspecting targets to click on QR codes that then redirect them to malicious pages used for harvesting credentials. The cybersecurity firm’s report was…
Hackers Drain Wallets via Cracked macOS Apps using Scripts Accessed From DNS Records
Hackers have found another clever way to transfer information-stealing malware to macOS users, apparently through DNS records that could hide malicious scripts. The attack is being targeted to macOS Ventura and later, depending on the vulnerable applications repackaged as PKG…
Enhanced Security Alert: Setting Up Stolen Device Protection on iOS 17.3
It has been announced that Apple has released iOS 17.3, the latest version of its iPhone operating system. This new version has several important new features, including Stolen Device Protection, which provides users with additional security measures if their…
Schadcode-Attacken auf Onlineshops auf Gambio-Basis möglich
Admins von Onlineshops sollten die Gambio-Software aus Sicherheitsgründen auf den aktuellen Stand bringen. Dieser Artikel wurde indexiert von heise Security Lesen Sie den originalen Artikel: Schadcode-Attacken auf Onlineshops auf Gambio-Basis möglich
Paketmanager npm: Zur Abwechslung kein Schadcode, sondern Videos eingeschleust
Warum zahlreiche Packages in dem JavaScript Paketmanager kurze Clips aus Filmen enthielten, ist unklar. Legal dürfte es nicht sein. Dieser Artikel wurde indexiert von heise Security Lesen Sie den originalen Artikel: Paketmanager npm: Zur Abwechslung kein Schadcode, sondern Videos eingeschleust
Web Vulnerability Submissions Exploded in 2023
There was an alarming surge of user-submitted web vulnerability submissions in 2023—with a 30% increase compared to 2022—as open-scoped bug bounty programs evolved. The post Web Vulnerability Submissions Exploded in 2023 appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been…
Why We Need to Cultivate a Confidential Computing Ecosystem
The development of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) can resolve the tension between data privacy and utility. The post Why We Need to Cultivate a Confidential Computing Ecosystem appeared first on Security Boulevard. This article has been indexed from Security Boulevard Read…
Kritische Lücken bedrohen Onlineshops auf Gambio-Basis
Admins von Onlineshops sollten die Gambio-Software aus Sicherheitsgründen auf den aktuellen Stand bringen. Dieser Artikel wurde indexiert von heise Security Lesen Sie den originalen Artikel: Kritische Lücken bedrohen Onlineshops auf Gambio-Basis
Salesforce Lays-Off 700 Staff – Report
American CRM giant Salesforce is reportedly reducing its workforce again, on top of a sizeable reduction back in 2023. The Wall Street Journal reported that Salesforce is laying off 700 workers, or 1 percent of its workforce, in the latest…
Join Customer Experience (CX) for Cisco Live EMEA Demos
With a dozen CX demos available to you at this year’s Cisco Live EMEA, let’s get you ready to explore and start accelerating your business outcomes. This article has been indexed from Cisco Blogs Read the original article: Join Customer…
Russian Midnight Blizzard APT is targeting orgs worldwide, Microsoft warns
Microsoft revealed that Russia-linked APT Midnight Blizzard has been targeting organizations worldwide in a cyberespionage campaign. Microsoft announced that the Russia-linked APT Midnight Blizzard that hit the company in late November 2023 has been targeting organizations worldwide as part of…