Homeland Security Alerts on Increasing Risks for Schools


Educators and other school professionals are playing an increasingly crucial role in providing a safe environment in which students can learn in an era where children are being targeted by increasing physical and online attacks, according to US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, in his statement Wednesday. 
During his remarks at the opening of the National Summit on K-12 Safety and Security in 2024, Mayorkas referred to the school shooting that took place in Georgia on Sept. 4 that killed two students and two teachers, as well as his son. Since Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Connecticut, was targeted in a horrific attack nearly 12 years ago, the number of instances of gunfire on school grounds has surpassed 1,300, and this is just one of thousands of incidents that have followed since this heinous attack. 
Jeremy said that as a result of these attacks combined, there have been at least 436 deaths and 936 injuries.

Even if there is no credible plan to plot an attack, threats of violence can cause an enormous amount of disruption to schools when it comes to the learning process.

School administrators must be able to investigate the reports of threats, determine if they are imminent, and make plans for supporting students involved, as well as to reassure parents that their children are in safe hands. 

It’s been reported that at least seven Houston Independent School District stude

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