Critical Flaws in VPN Protocols Leave Millions Vulnerable



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Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are widely trusted for protecting online privacy, bypassing regional restrictions, and securing sensitive data. However, new research has uncovered serious flaws in some VPN protocols, exposing millions of systems to potential cyberattacks.

A study by Top10VPN, conducted in collaboration with cybersecurity expert Mathy Vanhoef, highlights these alarming issues. The research, set to be presented at the USENIX 2025 Conference, reveals vulnerabilities in VPN tunnelling protocols affecting over 4 million systems worldwide. Impacted systems include:

  • VPN servers
  • Home routers
  • Mobile networks
  • Corporate systems used by companies such as Meta and Tencent

The Problem with VPN Tunneling Protocols

Tunneling protocols are essential mechanisms that encrypt and protect data as it travels between a user and a VPN server. However, the study identified critical weaknesses in specific protocols, including:

  • IP6IP6
  • GRE6
  • 4in6
  • 6in4

These vulnerabilities allow attackers to bypass security measures by sending manipulated data packets through the affected protoco

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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