Best Tor Browser Substitute for Risk-Free Web Surfing


Anonymous Browsing: Tools and Extensions for Enhanced Privacy


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Anonymous browsing is designed to conceal your IP address and location, making it appear as though you are in a different region. This feature is particularly useful in safeguarding your private information and identity from third parties.

Many users assume that using Incognito (or Private) mode is the simplest way to achieve anonymity. However, this is not entirely accurate. Incognito mode’s primary purpose is to erase your browsing history, cookies, and temporary data once the session ends. While this feature is useful, it does not anonymize your activity or prevent your internet service provider (ISP) and websites from tracking your behavior.

Secure DNS, or DNS over HTTPS, offers another layer of security by encrypting your DNS queries. However, it only secures your searches and does not provide complete anonymity. For discreet browsing, certain browser add-ons can be helpful. While not flawless, these extensions can enhance your privacy. Alternatively, for maximum anonymity, experts recommend using the Tor Browser, which routes your internet traffic through multiple servers for enhanced protection.

Installing privacy-focused extensions on Chrome or Firefox is straightforward. Navigate to your browser’s extension or add-on store, search for the desired extension, and click “Add to Chrome” or “Add to Firefox.” Firefox will ask for confirmation before installa

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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